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Solar Control Glass for Sliding Doors: Is it worth it?

1 March 2023
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Sliding doors are an excellent way to connect indoor and outdoor spaces while providing a stylish and modern look to a home. However, sliding doors can also let in a significant amount of heat and light, particularly during the summer months. In this article, we will explore the benefits for sliding doors and help you determine if it’s worth the investment.

What is Solar Control Glass?

Solar control glass is a type of glass that is designed to reduce the amount of heat and light that enters a building. It achieves this through a special coating that reflects and absorbs sunlight, preventing it from entering the building. It is particularly effective at reducing solar heat gain, which is the amount of heat that enters a building through the windows.

Pool room with sliding doors and solar control glass
Ideal for gyms, pools and garden rooms


Benefits of Solar Control Glass for Sliding Doors

There are numerous benefits of using solar control glass for sliding doors. These include:

Improved Comfort 

Solar control glass reduces the amount of heat that enters a building, making it more comfortable to be inside, particularly during the summer months. By reducing solar heat gain, solar control glass can also help reduce the load on air conditioning systems, leading to lower energy costs.

Energy Efficiency

It can help improve the energy efficiency of a building by reducing the amount of heat that enters the building. This can lead to lower energy costs and a lower carbon footprint.

Protects Furnishings

It can help protect furnishings from fading and discoloration caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight. This is particularly beneficial in rooms that have valuable or delicate furnishings.

Glare Reduction

It can also help reduce glare, which can be particularly beneficial in rooms that are used for watching television or working on a computer. Glare reduction lowers the intensity of bright light in a particular space, which can cause discomfort, eye strain, and even headaches.

Is it Worth the Investment?

Glass structure with solar control glass roof
Year-round comfort in a glass extension

The decision to invest in solar control glass for sliding doors will depend on your specific needs and circumstances. If you live in an area with a hot climate and strong sun exposure it can be an excellent investment, providing improved comfort, energy efficiency, and protection for furnishings. Additionally, if you have valuable or delicate furnishings that are at risk of fading or discolouration it can help protect them.

However, if you live in an area with a mild climate or don’t spend a significant amount of time in the room with the sliding doors then it may not be necessary.

In conclusion, solar control glass can be an excellent investment for sliding doors, providing improved comfort, energy efficiency, and protection for furnishings. If you’re considering it for your sliding doors it is important to assess your specific needs and circumstances to determine if it’s worth the investment. To talk to one of our experts about making the right choice for your home then GET IN TOUCH.